Works to a protected structure can require planning permission. Many of our conservation projects require planning permission which are supplemented by conservation reports prepared by our office. In this project, Engineers Ireland wanted to refurbish the existing historic windows at their headquarters in Ballsbridge, Dublin. This building is also in an Architectural Conservation Area as it forms part of an intact Victorian streetscape which has the same overall character as when it was first built. The street has added interest as there are different typologies all utilising a similar palette of materials, particularly a warm red brick and cut Wicklow granite in the front facades.
Caulfield Wright Architects were appointed to submit a declaration to the local authority for the project confirming works that would be exempt from the requirement to obtain planning permission. We prepared a report including a detailed analysis, method statements for works and other information that the conservation architects from the local authority would require. We successfully demonstrated that the works would not materially affect the character of the Protected Structure, so that planning permission was not required.

Photography by Caulfield Wright Architects